Along with September almost gone, I've lost that driving desire to make beads. I'm thinking maybe it's because September was such a slow month for sales. Yesterday I hauled out all my lampwork books and perused them hoping for inspiration. The flowers that Leah Fairbanks makes are oh so lovely - and Larry Scott's dot beads - his technique is so spark yet.
So, what to do - maybe I need to continue making soap. Two weeks ago, I noticed that we were almost out and ordered my supplies. I've developed a recipe over the years that not only requires coconut oil, palm oil, and olive oil, but I also include castor oil, shea butter, canola oil, sweet almond oil and some good old vegetable oil - and I can't forget the goats milk and a bit of white clay. All of these oils together have resulted in a gentle, conditioning, moisturizing bar that we not only use on our bodies, but Bruce uses for shaving, and I use as a shampoo. So, if you've never tried hand made soap - the next time you feel like treating yourself, it's worth a try.